When The Heavens Open

I discovered this video, and it really moved me.

Reverend Michael J. Dangler, a person who I’ve never met in person but who is responsible for the DP workbook and journal that I’ve written about recently, was ordained last year at Summerland, the ADF gathering. From the video’s description:

The rite was done during the ADF Unity Rite, and just as he is called forward, the heavens opened up into a downpour. Just as he was proclaimed by Rev. Kirk Thomas (Archdruid of ADF) as a Priest, the rains stopped.

I hope you enjoy watching this as much as I do.

Link to video





4 responses to “When The Heavens Open”

  1. greycatsidhe Avatar

    I got to meet Michael at the last Wellspring. We didn't talk much because he was so busy, but he is very friendly. We've had a few exchanges online and he's so helpful and encouraging. ADF is so lucky to have him.

    1. TeoBishop Avatar

      I feel the same way. I know I'm grateful that he's such a significant part. I hope to get to meet him some day.

      Thanks for the comment.

  2. Dawn Avatar

    Nice page looks like you did a lot of work!

    1. TeoBishop Avatar

      Thank you, Dawn! I've enjoyed setting up this website. It does take a good bit of time to maintain, but the work is rewarding. It's an extension of my spiritual practice.

      Blessings to you.