The Awen Moves: An Offering in the Morning

There is an intrinsic connection between creativity and spirituality, I think. The impuse to create feels very much to me like the impulse to worship, to do ritual, or to pray.

Perhaps this is why my heart sang out so loundly when I first found the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids. OBOD asserts that the spirit of creativity and inspiration, the Awen, flows through me and through all things, and by learning to nurture my relationship to the Awen I can develop the foundation for a living, thriving, vibrant spiritual tradition.

I write a lot about religion here on Patheos (understandibly), and I think that in doing so I sometimes forget that it was creativity which first led me to Druidry. To be a Bard, I learned through OBOD, is to be connected to a great, cosmic, creative force, and to be expressive with one’s voice is to be in service to your tribe, your people, your planet. Cultivating creativity allows the Bard to become her own Creator, a maker of enchanting beauty, a living source of inspiration. While I’ve found that the religiosity of ADF Druidism speaks to me, and the voice of the Reconstructionist fascinates me, it continues to be this connection between creativity and spirit that nourishes me.

To sing is to expose the dark richness of the soil (the soul), to turn it over, and expose it to the light. Strip away all of the adorments of our spiritual traditions, remove any of our religious or cultural markers, and we are left with our breath, our song, our creative fire. Stand naked in the forest, breathe in the air of life which permeates this planet, and your voice can become something truly magical.

With that, I make an offering today — a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, and a testiment to the power and movement of the Awen — by lifting up my voice in the presence of the living earth, our Great Mother.

Peace be with you on this glorious day.


6 responses to “The Awen Moves: An Offering in the Morning”

  1. Autumn Aelwyd Avatar

    Yes! Though admittedly it was ancestor veneration that brought me to ADF, creativity (songs, poetry and art) is my main form of worship and offering, both to the spirits and the community. Have you submitted any of your work to Tribeways? I know the podcasts have been a bit erratic, but I’ve contributed a few songs and poems myself.

  2. Eran Rathan Avatar

    Teo – 
    I am absolutely enthralled by your voice – could you go to work for NPR or something? 😀


  3. Jeffrey Keefer Avatar

    Great for sharing it; do I sense a tour or workshop or retreat of some sort in your future?  😉

  4. Argenta Avatar

    Wow, incredibli wonderful!

  5. David Salisbury Avatar

    Seriously Teo, you should be ridiculously famous because you sing better than any of what’s on the radio right now.  Remember us all when you get discovered and taken away to Hollywood!  🙂

  6. bard Avatar

    Well done!  Love the song and your voice! Keep it up!