I Keep Vigil to the Fire: Imbolc Poetry for a Goddess

Today, pious Pagans around the globe are posting poetry online in honor of the Goddess, Brighid (otherwise known as Brigid, Brigit, or simply, “exalted one”).

I join them here on Bishop In The Grove.

Imbolc, as I wrote about yesterday, may have milky origins, but the day and the season speak to something much deeper than a single agricultural marker can convey. On Imbolc, we recognize the primal fire within us, and when we speak from that place with a clear, honest voice, beautiful transformation can occur.

Poetry is born. It is our gift from the Goddess, and it, in turn, is our gift to the Goddess. Poetry creates change. It is alchemical. It is magick, in the traditional sense. But, it is also available to each of us, regardless of our training, our initiations, or identifiers. We need not be professional poets to be poets. We can be poets simply by speaking truly of what we know, of what we feel, and of what passions move us to act, or be still.

We are poets because we each have words on our tongues, in our hearts, and on our flesh. When we release these words into our bloodstream, through our sweat, into the air and onto the page, we participate in the re-enchantment of the world.

So, I share this poem with you. It came to me in the darkness of the night, and I pray that it be a light in honor of the Goddess, Brighid. It is my offering.


I keep vigil
to the fire
in my heart.

I keep vigil
down the sidewalk,
through the door,
between the empty lines
of chit-chat talk on
threaded screens,
in middle days
of winter nights,
where no one sees
except the Bride
for whom the flame is lit.

I keep vigil
to the fire
in my heart.


Please share with me in keeping vigil. Copy the three lines:

I keep vigil
to the fire
in my heart.

Post them into the comment box below, and then paint a portrait of how you keep vigil to the fire. Where does it find you, and in what situations do you seek it? Let the words rise into your consciousness like incense on the altar, and then let the poem tell the story. Once you feel like you’ve described your experience of this personal, internal vigil to the Sacred Fire, copy those three lines again, closing out the poem.

Share with us your inspiration here on Bishop In The Grove as an offering to Brighid, and then share this post with anyone who might be touched by this intentional movement of inspiration.

We keep the fire lit, and we share the fire. The fire is out birthright, our inheritance, and the fire will prepare us for our collective rebirth.

Many thanks to T. Thorn Coyle and the creators of the 7th Annual Brigid Poetry Festival for the inspiration to write this poem and encourage the creation of devotional poetry. Please visit the Festival’s Facebook page and share with them your inspired creation!

Blessings be to you.






38 responses to “I Keep Vigil to the Fire: Imbolc Poetry for a Goddess”

  1. Nathair /| Avatar
    Nathair /|

    I keep vigil
    To the fire
    In my heart

    In the fire
    The hands of Brigid
    The holy smith
    Craft the sword
    From the bones
    Of the living earth

    The sword of flame
    To defend the weak
    To slay the tyrant
    To inspire the brave

    By it, in the name
    of the gods,
    the ancestors,
    and the fae
    I swear allegiance
    to the Earth
    As Druid and Knight

    I keep vigil
    To the fire
    In my heart

    Awen /|

  2. Aine Burney Avatar
    Aine Burney

    I keep vigil
    To the fire
    In my heart.
    I keep vigil
    Tho all seems lost
    Forever dark.
    I look into the deep night
    For Brighid
    The Shining One
    She comes in silence,
    And kindles the Flame
    Once quenched by despair.
    I keep vigil
    To the fire
    In my heart
    I feed the flame
    As a mother nurses a child
    With the milk of hope.
    I feed the flame
    Tho storms rage outside
    And the candles flicker with uncertainty.
    I feed the flame
    And see the strength of her forge
    With the creation of new found faith.
    I keep vigil
    To the fire
    In my heart.
    I keep vigil
    May Brighid bless
    My home, my hearth, my heart.

  3. Carolyne Kleinman Avatar
    Carolyne Kleinman

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.

    I hold True to the Oath taken to Share as I was Given.
    I gently lead the new ones to the Ancient Ones
    by remembering our right relationship to all Elements;
    and we are all Star Stuff.
    I remember the Truth
    That Stones are the Bones of The Mother
    That Her Breath breathes within us all
    That Her Tears are the Water we are born in.
    I walk in the path of The Old Ones,
    I dance in the joy of today,
    I hold close my kindred in love and honor.

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.

    In Her Service,
    Asnee Llygedyn
    Senior Druidess
    Llygedyn Grove
    Central Texas

  4. TerraSpiritus Avatar

     I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.

    Remaining Mindful
    of the beauty within
    and without

    Sharing Compassion
    With those I know
    And those whom I do not know

    Bestowing fairness
    upon myself
    and others

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar

      Remaining mindful…sharing compassion…bestowing fairness…

      These are blessed reminders, Terra — thank you for sharing them with us here.

  5. Sonneillon Avatar

    I’m having trouble getting into Imbolc.  Includes some meditation on our conversation about liminal spaces and why it’s easy for me to recognize their sacredness.  Warning: Long, rambly, and personal.

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar

      Hi Sonneillon. Thank you for your comment. For some reason, the code isn’t working quite right, and I don’t know how to fix it from my end.

      So, here’s the link to your page, for all who wish to read it. I’ll be doing so right now!



      1. Sonneillon Avatar


        I have no idea why the link is doing that, but I appreciate you taking the time to repost it.  Could just be Dreamwidth and Patheos don’t get along too well.  

    2. Teo Bishop Avatar

      I’ve read your post, and I recognize the feeling. Actually, quite recently I’ve wrestled with some of the same emotions. I’d encourage you to browse through some of the archives in December and November. I’m not sure the my account of my experiences will be of great use to you, but there have been some wonderful comments and suggestions from my readers — I think they may help.

      Also, I’m curious — do you have a regular practice? If there something you do daily to route you in your religious tradition?

  6. WhiteBirch Avatar

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.
    I keep vigil at Her forge
    reshaping my mind
    poured into a new mold

    I keep vigil at Her flame
    when I see a changed world
    because of my changed eyes

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar


      Beautiful, WhiteBirch. Thank you for sharing this poem with us. Blessings to you!

  7. Allie DeMoss Avatar

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.

    I keep the light of the Sacred Goddess
    alive in my mind
    with every breath,
    every step I take,
    whether it be on our green earth
    or on the pavement that we as humans have made

    I keep vigil
    by keeping my head held high
    my heart open
    my mind expanded.

    I keep vigil by love
    and by life.
    by the joys of happiness
    and the stain of tears that may fall
    I keep vigil my love of the Goddess
    and her great teachings.

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart

    and in my soul.

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar

      Blsssed piety, Allie. Thank you for sharing these words with us.

  8. Valerie Avatar

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart

    the light shines
    bright, exalted
    She speaks
    listen close
    the path is lit
    the gift
    from Her
    and so

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar

      Let us all “listen close,” indeed!

      Thank you for sharing your inspiring words, Valerie!

  9. Rayma Smith Avatar

    I keep vigil 
    To the fire
    In my heart.

    I keep vigil 
    To the seeds of inspiration
    To the purifying flame
    To the power of spoken word.

    I keep vigil
    To the daughters
    The mothers
    The sisters
    The children
    Of the Goddess.

    I keep vigil
    To the promise of spring
    The birth of new ideas
    And of mother’s milk.

    I keep vigil
    To Brighid
    The Exalted One
    The Bright One
    The Wise One
    Who brings me comfort and inspiration

    I keep vigil
    To the fire
    In my heart.

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar

      Inspiring, Rayma. Thank you for sharing this.

  10. Darcy Scholts Avatar
    Darcy Scholts

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.

    Born of, birthing,

    words of flame.

    Forging pen-in-hand

    Watching in the night.

    The voice from the depth of the flame

    is laughing with me

    kindling the numberless stars.

    Waiting for dawn

    at a dead run

    I keep vigil

    to the fire

    in my heart.

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar

      I love this, Darcy. You paint a beautiful picture of holding vigil!

      Blessings to you!

  11. SophiaFae Avatar

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.

    I dance within
    the web of light
    that holds us together.

    I drink deep
    from the well
    that heals us all.

    I offer myself
    in love and trust
    to hammer and anvil.

    My arms hold
    my sleeping child
    as I am held too

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in her heart

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar

      Touching. Thank you, SophiaFae.

  12. […] the 7th Annual Brigid Poetry Festival, and the comment thread is turning into a true bardic circle!Come and see what lights the fire in the hearts your fellow Pagans!ShareFiled Under: Prayers, Chants, Blessings & Poems, Religion, Top Religion & Culture […]

  13. Dedra Avatar

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart

    I keep vigil
    with my hands
    for the children 
    to know the way

    I keep vigil
     in the wind
    that stirs my soul

    I keep vigil
    in the trees
    that comfort me

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart 

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar

      Your words of the trees speak to me… “the wind that stirs my soul,”…. I love that.

      Blessings to you!

  14. Welshwitch09 Avatar

     I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.

    I honor Brighid every day; by connecting with Her and thanking Her for inspiring me, keeping a candle burning in Her honor at my hearth (kitchen), by being creative, by working to forge a better me. By showing hospitality to guests, friends and family. B*B

  15. Leslie Avatar

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.

    I keep the vigil

    In my home’s hearth

    That has warmed

    and comforted

    lost and weary souls

    I keep the vigil

    in my camera’s eye

    the records the beauty

    and magic of this land

    I keep the vigil

    by teaching the art of science

    and lighting the imagination of the spirit

    in the next generation

    I keep vigil

    to the fire

    in my heart.

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar

      Bless you, Lesie, for keeping vigil with us here!

  16. Caycollins Avatar

    I keep vigil

    to the fire

    in my heart.


    I keep vigil

    With the gifts I offer others
    and myself.

    The gifts of inspiration,

    Love, guidance, knowledge,

    Hope and healing.


    Through my Passion
    And respect for all life.

    Through my love, respect
    And honor of the Divine


    I keep vigil

    to the fire

    in my heart.

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar

      Wonderful, Caycollins – thank you for sharing this!

  17. Ash Keyes Avatar

    I keep

    to the

    in my heart


    day  by   day  I
    it tinder

    I dance within its 
    flames and shadows

    I balance it and it 
    balances me and together we are one


    I pass it  on in  my learned tounges to others

    To  lift  a heart 
    to  heal a soul

    To guide a friend and to heal myself


    Words are fire  in
    breath  and with them, within  them and through them change occurs

    Gifts  of the goddess
    surround me enthrall me, push  me to
    bring   my  inner flame a little higher now, just  a little higher

    Until  it  will be 
    a blazing  awesome  powerful inferno spiraling  from 
    head  to  feet

    Until through  Her
    and  in 
    Her  honor I can be a
    blessing  to all I meet.

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar

      What a fire you have unleashed here! Blessings to you, Ash!!

  18. Heather Baker Avatar

    I keep vigil

    to the fire

    in my heart.

    I keep vigil

    to the hope of change,

    of prayers to work,

    of healing to begin.

    I keep vigil

    of spirits to bring,

    of Angels to guide,

    of Goddess’s hands to hold.

    I keep vigil

    to the fire

    in my heart.

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar

      And I keep vigil with you, Heather.

      Bright blessings.

  19. Robin Avatar

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.

    I keep vigil
    by using the
    creative gifts
    She has given me.

    I keep vigil by
    lighting a flame
    to represent Her
    connections to fire.

    I keep vigil by
    thanking Her for
    watching over me
    for the past year.

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar

      Bless you, Robin. Thank you for sharing this inspired message here!

  20. MrsBs Confessions Avatar

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.

    I keep vigil
    In candle flames
    and stove tops,
    In the flame of knowledge
    passed to my children.

    I keep vigil
    to the fire
    in my heart.

    1. Teo Bishop Avatar


      Thank you for being a part of this, Mrs. B. Your words warm my soul!