Tag: Vigil

  • Keeping Vigil to the Fire, Again

    Keeping Vigil to the Fire, Again

    In a week I will publish the next Solitary Druid Fellowship liturgy. This morning, I spent some time going over the previous one, seeing where small adjustments might be made and looking for places where supplemental material would be useful. It’s been interesting to take on this position, which is a little like leadership, but […]

  • I Keep Vigil to the Fire: Imbolc Poetry for a Goddess

    I Keep Vigil to the Fire: Imbolc Poetry for a Goddess

    Today, pious Pagans around the globe are posting poetry online in honor of the Goddess, Brighid (otherwise known as Brigid, Brigit, or simply, “exalted one”). I join them here on Bishop In The Grove. Imbolc, as I wrote about yesterday, may have milky origins, but the day and the season speak to something much deeper […]