Advice From The Otherworld

An unannounced visit from a relative can be jarring.

Especially when they’re dead.

My great-grandmother has paid a visit to my husband two times in as many days. She shows up, makes the lights flash on and off in our bedroom, and, by doing so, scares the fool out of him.

This isn’t the first time she’s visited him, either. She has shown up, reliably, just before: a.) a relative is taken to the hospital, b.) someone experiences physical trauma, or c.) we suffer through some major family drama.

She’s like a trans-dimensional red flag waver.

I don’t think she means to scare us – she wasn’t a malicious person while she was living, and it seems that her visits are always a warning of some kind. My husband believes that her most current visits are attempts to deliver a message to me that I may be moving too fast on my new spiritual path.

Honestly, I’m not sure what to do with this information. For now, I’m taking it under advisement and waiting to see if I get any clearer sense of what she means. I’m planning to continue with my morning devotional… unless that’s part of what she’s concerned about. I don’t know. It’s unclear.


