How Do We Talk About the Workings of a Goddess?

How do we talk about the workings of a Goddess? Sometimes we don’t. Well, not at length anyway.

This week I’ve been in the middle of intense songwriting work, all of it very rewarding. But as I wrote on my music blog, #allofthesongs, there are times when it is valuable not to speak about what we do:

“…Being in the middle of the artistic process reminds me that there is cause to be silent sometimes. There is a real value in not revealing who you’re working with. Tell the world what the process is like, and you change the process. Reveal how you feel about it, and that feeling is no longer contained in the same way.

Containment is important. Holding onto that feeling of creative anticipation and tension, and being willing to delay the gratification that comes when you let the world know what you’re doing — a world of people who in that one instant of reading your status update or tweet cannot begin to understand the gravity of your life, the complexities of your situation, who cannot savor in the pleasures of what it is to be a living, breathing, creative person in the exact body that you inhabit — makes possible some really transformative writing.”

What is true in the creative process is also true in the transformative work done to me/through me by the Morrígan.

I recognize that this kind of language — me being affected by the work of a divine being — may come across as a kind of certainty about the gods; a clear knowing about their nature, or a tangible recognition on what or who they are.

Don’t mistake me. I am not that bold, or that foolish.

I do not know what the Morrígan is. I do know, however, that the devotional ritual at PantheaCon, the one I wrote about last week, initiated a chain of events that have led me into a greater state of embodiment, a deeper connection with my own Will, and a “no bullshit” approach to my daily encounters.

I feel more willing now to speak with conviction about my perspectives, my doubts, my desires — oh, my desires! — and all of the things that I might otherwise tuck away inside of me for fear of what power they might hold over me or over my life.

And what is happening does not feel like the introduction of recklessness into my life. It isn’t that I am out of control, or that I’m becoming completely overtaken by the parts of me that have been ignored. It is rather that the parts of me that have been hidden (either out of fear or because of ignorance) are thrusting their way forward, jutting out of me with precision and sharpness. The inside of me projects outward and shouts —


This I can speak about. This is how I talk about the workings of a Goddess. I do not presume to describe Her, but rather the way that She has initiated a transformation in me.

Photo by Sarah Gould
Photo by Sarah Gould

This theism, this religiosity, is motivated by the visceral feeling of this skin, this flesh, these parts that are filled with the blood we all share. In this blood is iron — iron!! 

Do you hear me?

In our blood is iron. Within us is flowing something so firm, so strong, something so raw and ready for the forge.

“I have a warrior heart,” I wrote in a song a few weeks before Pantheacon. I had no idea at the time how much a great, Goddess Warrior would wield influence over my body and my mind.

And yet here I am. Taken by Her. Inspired into a fuller life, a more honest life. In every moment.

How do we talk about the workings of a Goddess?

With a fierceness. That’s how.





5 responses to “How Do We Talk About the Workings of a Goddess?”

  1. Ellie Abbott Avatar

    For me, I seek ways to bring this whirlwind to the surface and make it tangible. I don’t attempt to define the undefineable, but rather, to manifest something diverse from that experience.
    Thank you for sharing what She brought to your life. What you did choose to reveal about your experiences honestly brings me a comfort I cannot express.

  2. S Kaiser Avatar
    S Kaiser

    Meeting the Morrigan is quite the unforgettable experience indeed. Then again that is true with any of the gods.

    I agree with what you say about talking about the process or who you are working with or even the feelings can change some aspect of it. I have shared a couple times with a close friend and it did change some aspect of it later. I have since learned what is okay for me to share and how to do it appropriately so it does not change anything. For me it has involved both writing poetry and working with a deity.

  3. Alan J Sheridan Avatar

    Goosebumps, Teo. Big waves of goosebumps up and down all over the place. Welcome to the deity-touched club, and enjoy fiercely riding this wave 🙂

  4. Conor O'Bryan Warren Avatar

    I adore this new fire that has sprung up.

    I see it going beautiful places.

    Drive on, I look forward to seeing the places you go.

  5. Robert Alvarez Avatar
    Robert Alvarez

    Great post, Teo! Indeed, The Goddess (by Her Myriad Names) comes to us at times, even before we realize She Is here. And given everything I have seen of The Morrigan (Ravens, for example) I have seen today, I AM clear that She Is Re-Minding me of Her Presence and inviting me to work with Her, too.

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